AUDITION for dot.Consla Company

AUDITION for dot.Consla Company - 8 weeks professional education program
dot.Consla Company is looking for professionaly trained male dancers with strong partnering skills and passion of partner dances (preferable cross body salsa, zouk, kizomba).
ALSO male and female dancers who are not educated in those styles are welcome to join the audition for an 8 weeks education program to be trained in CONSLA Dorottya Ujszaszi`s unique partnering vocabulary.
The training will get you ready for the company work, project opportunites from early 2017.
The program includes contemporary dance, partnering, ballet, contact improvisation classes, salsa, zouk, kizomba techniques, consla repertoire.
Education leader Dorottya Ujszászi, national and international guest teachers.
Education program:
Oct 10. – Dec.17. ( 2 week off: Oct.24-28, will be choosen)
Monday to Friday 3 hours of training every day and 3 times a week consla repertoire/improvisation class.
10.30 – 13.30 + 13.30 – 15.00
1,5h partner dancing (salsa, zouk, kizomba) 1,5h Contemporary technical training 1,5h Consla partnering repertoire/impro
October 8. 10 – 18h (Budapest, 1021, Tárogató u. 2-4. (A studio BAB)
Please send email with subject: apply for dot.Consla education
- video link of your dancing - short bio including your education and experiance - couple of words of your motivation
to in ONE attached documents
More information about the education fees, teachers, will be sent by email.
Audition by invitation only!
Information about Dorottya Ujszaszi:
Looking forward to meet you!